Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Still Alive and Kickin'

I have been a bad blogger...though I never knew how much I would post, I have been working on all my projects and I need to post some new things and updates. Lots of exciting finds and events have come and gone for sure!

Hopefully more to come!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Adding the Emerald Touch

Been too long since I posted and now I am SO far behind posting about all my meanderings!

Old information now, but worth sharing regardless.

I covered the black framed Blast Sunglasses in my last post but here is a reminder:

To start painting I had to track down the suggest paint that my friend Becca said to use. Testors Green Metal Flake model paint. It took some looking but I found it at Stephen Licence in downtown Belleville...a nice gem of a place with LOTS of interesting craft supplies!

To start the procedure I needed to pop the lenses and remove the foam backing on the brow plate. When that was down I began the task of doing multiple coats of paint to the frames.

Oddly the iPhone picked up some strange blue hues!

And the final pictures.

Not 100% perfect, but it turned out okay. I wish in hindsight that I grabbed a couple pairs to have a second chance if I messed up, but overall I think they turned out alright and its off to the other found parts!

Will try and give more updates sooner!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Stargate Patches : Atlantis

One of my passions in costuming is getting the details right, beyond the larger items. I also like to be able to help others achieve the most accuate costume details themselves and one way I've been doing that is patches.

One of the shows I quite enjoy is Stargate (Sg-1, Atlantis and SGU). Patches are a main part of the Stargate uniform, and are completely custom made. Because of this fans have tried to glean whatever information they could, and recreate their patches in runs and have had some interesting results.

Today I am going to talk about the patch used in Stargate Atlantis, one my first real recreations.

Stargate Atlantis was a spinoff of the popular Stargate SG-1 series, so with it came new cast, costumes, sets etc etc. Much to the surprise of many fans the costumes were very different, having very little to do with any actual military uniforms in design, colour or even style.

Along with the costume changes came new patches. Gone were the numbered teams from SG-1, and everyone wore an "ATLANTIS" patch on one arm, and their country flag on the other.

As the show started gearing up, fans were scrambling to understand the costumes and patches from trailers and photos. Initially the thought was that the number scheme was still in place and the first fan made patch for Atlantis was this one:

Looking back, this patch could not be further from the actual design of the patches seen in the show, but at the time, it was a good guess!

After that, two patches came from fans that had access to better images, and the show had been airing, allowing for a better idea on what was on the patch.

The latest patch was a very good representation of the patch and many still use it. I even grabbed a couple for my own future costume plans. But then, I was given a high res scan of one of the shows patches. The patch at that detail was plain to see how close and how off the latest patches were...and I wanted to make it better.

So I started looking high and low for a patch maker that would A) Allow me to be picky using samples and making insane tweaks; B) Allow me to make orders starting small but continually order when need be; and C) Great communication.

Thankfully I finally found someone to work with after 4-5 attempts with others. This maker not only was able to meet all my criteria, but never shrugged my questions and always wanted to go the extra mile for me. The patches were also made in Canada, not out sourcing across the planet and using premium threads that look fantastic and in someways a tighter and nicer embroidery to the originals.

I had two go arounds with this patch, first time was because I was simply going by a scan and the colours  were subject to that.

The second time, however, I had access to a real screen used patch and we were able to match the thread colours and fix a few minor details. To date, this is my favourite patch that we have matched and perfected and really...the results speak for themselves.

One of these is screen-used, the other...mine. Can you tell which is which?

Friday, April 20, 2012

Blasting into the arena

When starting the Green Arrow costume I knew two distinct things..and was told these by my friends Steve and Becca.

1) The costume was aged now, so parts will be hard to find the right ones.

2) The Leather would be pricey.

Undaunted I began looking for parts, and I wanted to start with one of the harder peices to find, and thats the sunglasses.

Sunglasses for me lately have been interesting. I used to be fine with anything under $5. But Costuming has shown me some spectacular glasses that are better made and last a long while...plus I need them for costuming. So I now have so many different styles!

In Smallville, rather than go with masks and whatnot for Superhero alteregos, sunglasses were used to hide identities. With sunglasses being made in interesting styles now, the team at Smallville found and converted a pair of glasses to work with the character.

I never looked too closely at them, but I was told they were a brand called Zeal, and the style was Blast.

So I went looking around online and found them, at huge prices...Smallville didn't do anything cheap. I have seen them rangeing upwards to $150. These sunglasses are favoured by performace oriented consumers, like hikers, cyclists and whatnot.

The design is pretty sweet, and kind of futuristic looking, enough to really appeal to a 21st Century Vigilante.

The glasses pictured above are what was used by production, with brown lenses (other choices are available to those who want something different), and painted green.

I was not content with spending alot of the glasses, so I hunted around and found a great sports store online that has fantastic deals daily. Sierra Trading Post. They had the glasses and they were pretty cheap, $60 with shipping (Shipping to Canada was more than the item itself!)

But I think they look perfect! All that is left is to paint them green!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


One costume I have always wanted to do was a Superhero. Amoungst the Jedi, The Doctor, Stargate etc styles I have done, a Superhero has been wanted since I was a kid.

A few things have ALWAYS stood in my way.

1) I just don't have the body aka chest for spandex,
2) Not really fitting the mould for my favourite heroes (Spidey and Superman)
3) Wanting to do it Justice.

I have always been more of a fan of DC Comic heroes, but nothing was more motivating than watching Smallville and seeing the Green Arrow in that show. Very different, and somehow realistic (as much as you can be). I liked the Character and costume but shelved the idea.

A few years pass and my interest still hangs on on doing this costume, and the costume crew revamped it to look even better. I wanted to do this costume, but stayed back looking at it anything seriously until...well I procrastinated it.

And then I tried on a friends costume, made by the same makers as the above costume. WOW! My desire is blown to a full flame of desire!

And thus begins the hunt, for all the peices that don't exist any more!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In the Beginning

Onwords! I've tried this too many times to count, but I am going to give this a go.

I have  recently been thinking that I really need to give some thought to a diary/project centre to discuss my hobbies and little meanderings of life. Whether anyone reads this, or stops by often, I am going to try and post as often as I think about it.

My biggest hobby is Props and costumes from TV shows, as well as creating them for various movies that my production team makes. (Site plug www.key-pixel.com).

I also really love to take patches made on TV and movies and replicate them to the point where none would recognise them from their actual film prop. As a graphic designer, all the nit picky details of certain patches in the market always bugged me, so I took the reins myself.

So in the next few days I will post some specifics and some of my items to share and start some project posts as well!